Summer Day Camps 2025

TimberNook Day Camps

Timbernook Camps create intentional space for inspired nature-play adventures developed by occupational therapists; it is designed to nurture kids’ holistic development (creative, social-emotional, physical, cognitive, etc.) through sensory-rich experiences outdoors.

    • Camp Session: Tuesday, July 8 – Friday, July 11, 2025
    • Times: 9:30am-1:30pm
    • Price: $200/camper**
    • Group Size: 30

** This is a “one-for-one” day camp opportunity;  by registering your child, you are supporting another child’s day camp expereince who comes from a low-income &/or vulnerable background.)

Sponsor Group Day Camps*

This week is specifically for kids from low-income and at-risk backgrounds. You must qualify and sign up through the local Packsaddle Church in Kingsland to attend.

  • Camp Session: Tuesday, June 24 – Friday, June 27, 2025
  • Times: 9:30am-4:30pm
  • Price: $40/camper
  • Group Size: 30

* If you would like to make a reservation for your own sponsor group for Summer 2026, please contact our booking coordinator, Alex Flores, at

Camp of the Hills specializes in making camp experiences accessible for youth from low-income / at-risk communities. Camp of the Hills was founded with a specific summer mission to serve kids coming from backgrounds that may need extra support such as: Financial support needed, Trauma or a Traumatic Event, Incarcerated Parent/Angel Tree, Foster Care/Adoption, Single Parent Household/Family Change, Death of a loved one, Abuse/Neglect, Domestic Violence, Emotional/Behavioral support (Autism, ADHD, ADD, ODD, etc.), Military Family, etc. Supporting kids with these kinds of needs is our priority and focus, and we want you to be aware of this specialization. 

Day Camps offer transformational camp experiences for kids ages 4-8 who are not yet ready for the traditional overnight camp experience.
This summer we are offering 2 kinds of Summer Day Camp options:

Registration & Questions

If you would like more information about our different summer camp options,

please contact our Booking Coordinator, Alex Flores, at or by phone at 512-948-5787

What to bring to camp

Please confirm your camper has all items on this list.

  • Play clothes

    clothes will get dirty

  • Extra clothes

    an extra change of clothes just in case!

  • Shoes / Sandals

    shoes should be comfortable and sturdy. If sandals, we prefer that they be “outdoor” style with a backstrap rather than flipflops.

  • Water Bottle

    Hydrate don’t diedrate! We will have refilling stations available all around camp.

  • Sunscreen, hat, etc.

    The Texas sun is no joke!

  • Bugspray

    If the weather has been rainy in the week leading up to your camp, mosquitos may be popping up.

  • Backpack or Tote bag

    This helps to keep personal items together while hiking around camp and moving from activity to activity.

  • Snacks

    Camp will provide Lunch and a Snack everyday, but kids are free to bring their own supplemental items as well.

  • Inhaler or Epi-Pen

    Personal inhalers or Epi-pens MUST be in original container, with prescription label & dosage instructions attached.

*Dress Code: Please no spaghetti strap shirts. All shorts must be at least fingertip length. Comfortable walking shoes or outdoor sandals.

What NOT to pack for camp

Please do not bring any of the below items

  • Jewelry

     Please leave all jewelry at home.
    *Stud earrings are allowed

  • Electronics

    Phones, iPods, etc.
    Any device will be taken up and given back when camp ends.

  • Money

    We don’t use money at camp. Therefore your camper doesn’t need any. Any money found will be collected and given back to the camper when he or she leaves.

  • Camping Tools

    While your camper may want to bring special “camping gear” like pocket knives, camp-fire starters, lighters, etc. these are not allowed.

  • Weapons of any kind

    Weapons of any kind will be confiscated.

  • Alcohol/Drugs/ Tobacco

    We will confiscate and dispose of any of the above.

  • Gang Paraphernalia

    Gang Paraphernalia colors or any other gang identifiers will be confiscated.

  • Satanic Emblems

    Any Satanic Emblems or items deemed to be inappropriate will be confiscated.

  • Nothing suggestive or inappropriate

    Any other items that are not appropriate for camp will be confiscated.

*Confiscated items will be given to the Day Camp Coordinator for return to parent or sponsor upon departure of camp (except for any items of an illegal nature which will be documented and disposed of in an appropriate manner.)